Lesson Videos Not Playing on Student Tablet

Lesson Videos Not Playing on Student Tablet

This issue has been resolved in newer versions of our software. If you are encountering this issue, please visit our https://robokind.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SOF/pages/1149763695.


Get assistance when you are experiencing video playback issues. This is most frequently caused by a student tablet that has not fully downloaded the lesson files.


  1. Close out of all RoboKind applications on the tablet.

  2. On the student tablet, sign in as the facilitator. On the facilitator tablet, sign in as student. Reattempt the video.

    1. If the video plays, use this as temporary solution.

    2. If the video does not play or ready to troubleshoot further, continue with the next steps.

  3. Uninstall and reinstall the application.

    1. Note: Make note of if you are updating the 2.0 or 3.0 version of the application before beginning so that you can reinstall the same version. How-to check your RoboKind Companion App Version

    2. See instructions RoboKind Companion App Installation and Update Guide (iPads)

  4. Please review and verify the following documentation:

    1. How-to Run a Robot Network Test

    2. How-to Verify the Robot and Tablets are on the Same Network

    3. How-to Confirm the Robot Settings are Compatible with the Application

    4. How-to Update the Robot

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