How-to Verify the Robot and Tablets are on the Same Network

How-to Verify the Robot and Tablets are on the Same Network

For robots4autism customers, it is no longer necessary for robots & tablets to be on the same network, so long as both have a reliable Internet connection. Please see our RoboKind Central 3.0 to 3.3 Update Guidearchived if you are a robots4autism customer having difficulty with tablets & robots not communicating..

Checking the Robot's Assigned Network

  1. Verify Milo is on a network by looking at the internet emblem on the top right of his chest. An X will indicate the robot is not connected to WiFi.


  2. A WiFi symbol will communicate signal strength. If your signal strength is 2 bars or less, see Robot has weak Wi-Fi signalarchived.

  3. To further manage WiFi settings, choose Utilities then Network.


  4. If connecting to a new WiFi network, choose Setup WiFi, select the desired network, and press OK to enter the connection settings. This should be the same network to which the iPad’s are being connected.


  5. If your robot is used in multiple locations and you need to connect it to a different network after moving the robot, use the Saved WiFi button to view the list of saved WiFi connections, then Select the correct connection and choose Connect.

Checking the iPad network settings on facilitator and student tablets:

  1. Double click the tablets home button, and then click in an open area of the screen to close all applications.

  2. Open the tablets settings app.

  3. On the left side of the screen, there is a row labeled “Wi-Fi”, the name listed next to Wi-Fi is the name of the network that the tablet is connected to.

  4. Compare the names of the Wi-Fi to verify all devices are connected to the same network.


  1. If you do not know the network information for the location, please contact your IT service desk.

  2. The first time you try to connect a tablet to a robot, the iPad may block a connection with a message RoboKind Companion 3 would like to find and connect to devices on your local network.

    1. After clicking OK, you will need to re-attempt the connection.

    2. If you received this message and did not click OK, you will need to go into the iPad settings, locate the RoboKind Companion 3 app, and turn on the Local Network setting.

  3. The most common issues that prevent normal operation can be prevented by following the steps at the top of the RoboKind Quick Network Setup Guide.

  4. If the robot has recently moved to a new physical location, it may be necessary to reconnect it to the new network even if the connection was previously saved. (See step 5 under Checking the Robot's Assigned Network)

  5. If the robot has not been powered off since it moved to a new network, a restart is recommended.

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