Troubleshooting: Lesson does not start after clicking start lesson

Troubleshooting: Lesson does not start after clicking start lesson


A lesson may fail to start when the start lesson button has been pressed within the companion app.


  1. Verify that you are on the latest version of the companion app (192 or later) RoboKind Companion App Installation and Update Guide (iPads)

  2. Restart the robot and run a network test How-To Test Companion App & Robot Network Connectivity

  3. Re-test in both Robot and Avatar mode. If lessons will still not start, the most likely cause of the issue is one of the following:


If still having issues after testing step #3, connect the two iPad’s WiFi to a home network or to a hotspot/tethered phone, and then use them to start an Avatar lesson. (Note if using a hotspot - do not use “low data mode” on the iPad). If this works, then it is confirmed that there is some network traffic getting blocked.

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