Having trouble with robot internet connectivity?
If you are having trouble connecting your Robot to the internet, or if you are experiencing unreliable connectivity, there may be a few different reasons. Please use following troubleshooting steps to help identify the cause.
Before you begin, please make sure your Robot and iPad are both updated to the current release.
Look for a wifi signal on the top right corner of the robot
If you see an " X" on the top right corner of the robots chest screen, reset the Robot using the reset button on the robot's back.
You still see an "X" on the top right corner of the chest screen after resetting your robot, run a network test and a speed test
Select Utilities-> Network-> Test Network
Visit https://www.speedtest.net/ and run an Internet speed test on the same network
The network test will let you know if it passed or failed; if the test failed, please provide the test results and a screen print of your speed test results to your schools IT department for assistance; We have a few steps you can try with your schools IT team here.
If the test passed, please continue to the next troubleshooting step (keep a copy of your network and speed test results)!
4. If the network speed test passed, there may be instances of heavy network traffic or interference. If your school’s network supports 5G, please connect your robot to the 5GHz wifi using the provided WiFi stick.
Learn more: How-to Connect your Robot to 5GHz WiFi
5. Ensure that your iPads are not connected in Low Data mode.
6. If the network test passed, you are using 5GHz (or your school does not offer that), and you are not using low data mode, and you are still experiencing unreliable connectivity, we will need you to send some information to our support team.
Please film a short video recording providing an example of the issue (i.e. running a lesson where you experience connectivity issues); In your support ticket, please include at least one example time stamp of when you experienced connectivity issues while running a lesson.
Results from both the network test and speed test you ran from the companion app or web companion
Images showing information from the following screens
Utilities - About - Software Version
Utilities - About - Serial Number
Utilities - Network - Network Info - and then press the WiFi button on the right
Utilities - Network - Saved WiFi
To create a ticket, use the button at the bottom of this screen to raise a request/contact us!
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Troubleshooting - Robot Network Connectivity
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