Troubleshooting - Robot Network Connectivity

Please see the appropriate document section depending on the issue being experienced.


General Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Please make sure your robot is updated to our current software version.

  2. Does this robot usually connect to the network through a 5 Ghz WiFi adapter? If yes, is it plugged into the back of the robot now?

  3. Using RoboKind Companion (either iPad version or web companion) run a network test from the hidden menu, which performs a detailed test of all API’s used in the process.

    1. If the tests from the above fail, submit a request to your organizations information technology team to review the requirements in


Troubleshooting for specific issues:

Unable to connect to Ethernet network:

This section only applies to troubleshooting connections with an Ethernet cable plugged into the back of the robot, skip this section if it is not relevant.

  • See to verify if it is indeed connected or not connected. If an IP address is available, check with your IT Support Team to confirm if it is a valid IP address for the connected network.

  • Check to ensure that 802.1x (network based authentication) is not required for the Ethernet port the robot is connected to. (RoboKind presently supports enterprise authentication only for WiFi network ports)

  • Test a different device with the same network port and cable and ensure that it is able to connect to the Internet and visit

  • Confirm with IT Support team to ensure that the network is configured to give out IP address, subnet, and default gateway to the connected robot.

Unable to establish initial WiFi Connection:

  • Please check Utilities - Network - Network Info - WiFi (button on the right).

    • Look for an IP address below the IPv4 line. If not disconnected, then you should also see the SSID of the robot immediately above the MAC: line. If you have both of these fields populated, then your robot is connected to the network, and you may be experiencing a different issue. See page for additional troubleshooting.

  • Verify the following with your IT support team:

    • The WiFi network supports the 2.4Ghz band, or the robot has a 5.0 Ghz adapter installed and configured per

    • The SSID for the wireless connection Note: SSID’s are case sensitive.

    • The Pre-Shared key or password

    • Verify that the network in question is not blocking MAC address that begin with 2E, which can happen if a customer is disabling randomization. (RoboKind does not use MAC address randomization, but does utilize MAC addresses in a locally addressed range that can get blocked).

    • If your WiFi network requires the use of enterprise with certificates, then ensure that you are using the .

    • Test connecting again using the verified information. RoboKind Quick Network Setup Guide

  • As needed, see additional troubleshooting steps at

The support server test only is failing:

The support server test is only utilized in cases where an organization wishes to temporarily allowing RoboKind to directly connect to the robot for support purposes. This error will not cause any lesson issues, and organizations can proceed with .

Network is connected and server #1, #2, #3 tests pass, however I am unable to connect tablets to robots:

There are non-network causes that may be preventing devices from displaying. Depending on your situation, please see:

Network connection is unreliable:

  1. Using the companion apps network testing tool, run the network test 10 different times and make note of the average latencies for each of the tests. If you see that the times are slow, intermittent, or inconsistent, then that is an indication of a heavy load on the Internet connection.

  2. The Wi-Fi indicator in the top right hand corner of the robot's control panel can indicate wireless signal strength.

  3. If you have fewer than 2 bars of signal strength:

    1. For troubleshooting, physically move your robot closer to the access point it is connecting to.

    2. Please verify that your robot is connected to the correct network.

      1. If you need assistance connecting your robot to the network, please follow the steps found in RoboKind Quick Network Setup Guide.

    3. If the robot works well in one area, but not in the location where it is needed, then we recommend submitting a service request with your internal information technology team to advise of the poor signal strength and request that a router be positioned to better service the coverage area.

  4. If your Wi-Fi indicator changes to an X, it is possible that the internet connection was temporarily lost. Please reset the robot using the Power menu on the chest screen, the reset switch on the back, or the power switch on the foot.

  5. If the Wi-Fi indicator changes to an X on a frequent basis and there are more than 2 bars of signal, this can be a sign of heavy network traffic or interference on the 2.4 Ghz network band used by the robots for WiFi. If your wireless network supports the 5 Ghz band, please see

  6. Ensure that affected iPad’s are not connected in Low Data mode.

  7. If the above steps do not match and you are having intermittent lesson interruptions affecting more than one lesson, please run an Internet test on the same network using and send a screen print of the results to us at with details.

Additional Support:

  • If all of the above fail, please make a short video recording so that we can see what is happening. Please include:

    • Results of network test when run from the companion app or web companion.

    • Run a network test - Utilities - Network - Network Test

    • Show information from the following screens:

      • Utilities - About - Software Version

      • Utilities - About - Serial Number

      • Utilities - Network - Network Info - and then press the WiFi button on the right

      • Utilities - Network - Saved WiFi

    • Submit the recording (or a link to the recording) using and the contact us link at the bottom of the page.

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