Legacy to RoboKind Central - Pre migration check list

Legacy to RoboKind Central - Pre migration check list


To continue servicing its customers, students, and partners with improved features and learning tools, we are actively migrating all customers from our legacy platform to our new RoboKind Central platform. This release consists of a new web site (central.robokind.com), a new mobile app (RoboKind Companion 4.0), and new controller software for each robot.

Our legacy platform at portal.robokind.us is no longer be supported as of May 31, 2021, however data extracts of prior data are available on requesting using the Contact Us link at support.robokind.com.

If you plan to actively use robots & tablets during the migration period (1-3 business days), please reach out to your account specialist before beginning.

Customer pre migration check list:

On each iPad used by facilitators and students, customers should use the Apple App Store® to install or update the RoboKind Companion app.

Detailed application installation/update instructions available at RoboKind Companion App Installation and Update Guide (iPads)

On at least one robot, run a network test and verify passing results.
If a customer is migrating from offices at multiple campuses, then at least one robot from each location should be tested to verify connectivity.
Complete the migration request form at RoboKind Migration Request Form.

RoboKind Migration tasks:

Upon receipt of a migration request support ticket, RoboKind will migrate account data from portal.robokind.us to central.robokind.com, authorize robots for the latest software, and send welcome e-mails to migrated staff accounts.

Customer post-migration check list:

Post migration customer tasks include settings, passwords, removing old versions of the RoboKind companion app on iPad’s, and updating robots. See our Post-Migration checklist for details.


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