RoboKind Software Release Notes 2022.005 - RoboKind Central improvements

Date & Time:

Jun 8, 2022


RoboKind Central Web Portal at

Web Companion Enhancements

Note: It is still necessary to keep focus on the web companion during lessons, switching back and forth between windows or tabs will cause the web browser to disable communication, which can interrupt a lesson. If needing to multitask during lessons, we recommend using a dedicated iPad for the facilitator.

How-to Use the RoboKind Web Companion

Other Improvements:

Teacher Tools updates:

  • Improved navigation and appearance

  • New Printables section, which can be used in activities with students.

  • New Spanish family newsletter section with a preview of upcoming content.

  • Updated links to support information

Data Entry Changes:

If the Identity or Ethnicity is not immediately available for a student, it is possible to select N/A from the list.


  • Classroom Quick Report: Fixed issue that could cause teacher total lesson times to appear incorrectly.

  • Generate Reports: Updated with new additional data fields, including nodes, moods, and lesson results captured at the end of lessons.

  • Generate Reports: No longer necessary to wait until next day to view current days data.

Additional reporting features coming soon!

Known Issues

RoboKind is in the process of releasing some new lesson content and customers may notice that we have begun to update our lesson module structure and lesson lists around this change, for example the Group Lesson Preview module is being deprecated and merged with introductory lessons, and the RoboQuiz assessment lessons are being split out from the other introductory lessons.

If you see a brand new lesson that is not working just yet, please stand by for exciting announcements in the very near future.

Additional Information

RoboKind Central for Teachers & Aides