RoboKind Software Release Notes 2022.009 New Lesson Content, Robot OS 3.5, Companion App 4.1.3

Date & Time:

Jul 8, 2022


RoboKind Companion App Build 246 2022.012

RoboKind Lesson System 2022.009

RoboKind Robot OS 3.5 2022.008


To use the new lessons described below, it is required to be on Robot OS Version 3.5.0 and RoboKind Companion App Version PROD 247 (shown in the lower right hand corner of the screen).

As of this release, the new lessons are only supported in iPad mode and with the robot. Web Companion and Avatar mode will not yet work correctly with the new lessons.

Beta Feature Announcements:

For all new lessons released in a Beta status, RoboKind invites customers to participate and provide feedback.

  • If observing repeated issues at a certain point in the lesson, please use the cueing buttons on the left side of the screen to report a “lesson issue” which will help us to identify the exact point in the lesson where an issue was experienced.

  • Updated versions of these lessons with related documentation and extension activities is expected within about 90 days.

  • If you have suggestions or feedback regarding this new lesson content please submit here or using and choosing Contact Us - Autism - Product Suggestions.

Lesson System updates:

  • RoboQuiz Module:

    • The new Red Light Green Light lesson helps to assess a students ability to associate cause and effect with the student choosing green and then red buttons to control the robot behavior during some fun actions. If a student struggles with this activity, facilitator lesson controls allow the teacher to repeat or assist the student to advance the lesson.

  • Introductory Games and Lessons:

    • The new Hygiene - Hand washing lesson teaches the students of hand washing, and then uses some fun activities to allow the student the experience of remembering to wash their hands after each activity, including walking a dog, eating dinner, and using the restroom.

  • Introductory Games and Lessons:

    • The new Meet my Friends lesson introduces students to the various diverse RoboKind robots including Milo, Carver, Veda, and Jemi. In each case the robot talks about some attributes and preferences of each robot identity, and asks the student to engage by indicating if they also like that activity or not.

    • This is not a graded activity, and in cases where the student may not like the same things as the robot, this lesson uses social acceptance techniques to accept and encourage the student as they are.


New System Features

Robot OS updates:

  • Support for downloading of assets needed for newly published lesson content

  • Resolved false alarm when robot started with charged battery but no power connected.

  • On the Demo menu, there is a new “Interact with Student” category with a “Meet my robot” demonstration lesson.

    • This activity is recommended for demonstration use only since student usage will not be tracked in demonstration mode. For live lessons with students, educators are encouraged to use the lessons in the General Activities and Activities module of the lesson system.

Companion App updates:

  • Improved support for facilitator button interactions

  • In session menu (top right hand corner) now includes Change Student(s) option

  • Support for new RoboKind lesson content

  • Lesson survey progress survey field now shown on pre/post lesson screens

Navigation Tips:

Locating Red Light Green Light:

Click All Modules tab and select RoboQuiz, Lesson 4.


Locating Hygiene & Hand washing and Meet my friends:


Accessing the In - session menu:


Using the Change Student(s) shortcut:


Reporting a lesson issue using the cueing buttons:


Marking a lesson as a student favorite:


Adjusting lesson controls & speed preferences:

Access the right side bar menu:


Lesson Speed Controls:


Known Issues

  • The new red light green light lesson is not yet supported in Avatar mode, and may not function correctly until Jul 15, 2022.

  • We are aware that some lessons may have timing issues when run at higher speeds, and it may be necessary to switch to a lower speed and restart certain lessons. If you encounter such issues, please report them using the cueing button for lesson issue, which notifies us of the exact point in the lesson where you experienced an issue.

Additional information