RoboKind Software Release Notes 2021.047 (4.0) - RoboKind Central & Companion App Improvements including integrated SEL IEP support

RoboKind Software Release Notes 2021.047 (4.0) - RoboKind Central & Companion App Improvements including integrated SEL IEP support


Date & Time:

Estimated for Dec 23, 2021


RoboKind 4.0 Companion App

Customers Affected

Robots4Autism customers using the RoboKind Companion Application and the http://central.robokind.com website.

Support Information

Visit https://www.robokind.com/support and choose the contact us option at the bottom of the page.

Video overviews




Video summary of changes in RoboKind Central, including student quick report changes and the ability to add and view IEP goals:

Video summary of changes in RoboKind Companion App, including new Up Next & IEP Menu’s, note taking, and more.

Release Information

All new features are optional, so teachers are not required to change their learning strategies or plans prior to installing or using the updated system.

The following describes the highlights of the new lesson system features, for full step by step instructions of running a lesson, see How to start a Robots4Autism 4.x lesson.

RoboKind Central Features & Improvements:

  • RoboKind now has the ability to update e-mail addresses for administrators/managers/teachers/aides without causing the lesson history to be lost. If you have teachers who have had an e-mail address change, please contact your RoboKind partnership manager for assistance in updating.

  • We have added the ability to assign IEP goals to each student. Use the the IEP button for each student to access the IEP page.

  • Any IEP goals already on file for that student in that academic period will be automatically displayed:

For a full list of the current IEP goals and how these are cross referenced to the RoboKind curriculum, see the following PDF document (which is also available to users at RoboKind Central - Teacher Tools - Curriculum - Social Emotional IEP Goals & Curriculum

  • An updated Generate Reports feature with improved data layout and support for group lessons. With this, administrators and managers can export and analyze lesson usage information. See Generate Report (Export Data) for more information.

  • Enhancements to Student Quick Reports:

    • The Module/Lesson progress section of the student quick report is now expanded by default rather than requiring an additional click to open it.

    • A summary description of what is included in each module section is now displayed on the side with this report.

RoboKind Companion App Features (New 4.0 release!)

  • A new Up Next section, which provides easy access to repeating a lesson, selecting an extension activity, selecting a recommended lesson, or accessing a student favorite lesson.

  • A new IEP section in of the Lesson Selection screen, which allows filtering for lessons related to a students assigned IEP goals or one specific goal.

  • New (optional) ability to log a students mood/disposition before and/or after a lesson. Note: There are no immediate reports based on this information, but we do plan to use this data in future reports and while planning curriculum enhancements. This is truly intended to be optional and not a distraction.

  • Lesson selection & completion screens now show any IEP goals that apply to that student and lesson. By reviewing these goals, teachers can better focus their attention on the students performance on those goals.

  • Lesson selection & completion screens now show the lesson history for that lesson and student, including any notes & outcomes logged in the lesson wrap up process.

The active lesson screen for facilitators has been updated with the following enhancements:

  • A new CUEUING menu on the left side of the screen, which can be expanded or collapsed by clicking on the book image.

    • The Distracted button can be clicked during a lesson to record if a student became distracted at that point in a lesson.

    • The Accommodation button can be clicked during a lesson to record if a student required additional assistance, for example, if the facilitator needed to re-explain an exercise or provide the student assistance in answering a question. We recommend adding more details about the accommodation(s) in the notes field at the end of the lesson.

    • The Lesson Problem button can be used to report that the lesson did not work as expected at that point in the lesson. This data does not become part of the students file, but RoboKind will use reported events to identify opportunities for improvements.

    • The above cueing buttons can be used zero, one or more times during a lesson, and we no longer prompt for this information specifically after a lesson.

After Lesson Wrap-up

  • Following the lesson, there is now a heart button in the upper left of the screen which can be used to mark (or un-mark) the completed lesson as a students favorite. Any lessons marked in this fashion will be easily accessible from Up Next in the lesson selection screen.

  • Following a lesson, we encourage teachers to select the Lesson Progress and Engagement levels for students following each lesson.

  • Optionally select the notes field and the keyboard will appear. We recommend including brief notes here if clarification is needed to explain the students engagement level or progress.

  • Thee lesson summary screen will now show a summary of any cueing events logged during a lesson on the summary screen.

Legacy Customer Advisory



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