RoboKind Central 3.0 to 3.3 Update Guide

This guide is intended to help customers update to the latest version of robots4autism®, which includes support for our newest features.

Table of Contents

3.3 Release Information

We are pleased to launch the 3.3 release of our robots4autism® software which includes many new features over older versions of this application.

  • New support for using an avatar in cases where an R25 robot is not readily available at the location of the student

  • New support for remote situations where a teacher/facilitator may not be in the same location as the student

  • New one time pairing process between student and facilitator tablets - no more QR Code scanning!

  • New friendly aliases can be assigned to robots to make easier to identify robots for a lesson, and again, no QR code scanning!

  • New Student Quick reports providing at a glance analysis of student progress (Available on our website at

  • New Web Companion support, which can be used in place of an iPad where 2 devices are not available.

  • Group Lesson mode, where multiple students can be selected for any lesson in the robots4autism curriculum.

  • Itinerancy support, where teachers who routinely travel can be configured to run lessons on robots at different locations.

Note that to conduct lessons remotely, it is expected that there would be a video conference of some fashion in progress (Zoom, Chime, WebEx, etc.) to monitor the students progress.

Legacy platform customers: If you are currently using our legacy platform (at, then it is necessary to follow the migration check list here:

Updating RK Central, Tablets and Robots to 3.3

  1. An organizational admin should check the list of Robots that appears under their account under and the Organization List screen and compare to the organization's active robots. How-to Find a robot's serial number

Teacher accounts do not have access to view the list of robots in RK Central, this step must be performed by a user with administrative access.

2. In the RoboKind Central portal at, we recommend using the button (3 dots) to the right of each robot to assign a friendly Alias. As an example, if a robot is dedicated to a specific classroom, the name of that classroom might be a good alias. An itinerant robot that travels between schools might be assigned an alias of the teacher/facilitator who is using that robot.

3. On each robot, choose Utilities - Update Software and ensure that it completes successfully. See How-to Update the Robot for details and troubleshooting. Note that the update process usually takes 30-60 minutes.

4. After all robots are updated successfully, update the RoboKind Companion App on each iPad. RoboKind Companion App Installation and Update Guide (iPads)

Facilitator Tablet First Time Setup

  1. Open the newly installed RoboKind 3.3 application.

  2. Choose yes to allow camera access if prompted.

  3. Select Facilitator mode.

  4. Login to the tablet with the same facilitator credentials used to log in at

  5. Use the Add New Tablet button

    1. *Pairing codes expire within 10 minutes, so pause at this point if the student device is not already updated and ready.

  6. Assign a Nickname or alias for the student device, and click Generate Code.

  • The 6 digit code that is provided after tapping Generate Code will be needed during the Student device setup.

  • After the pairing code has been written down, click the Back button.

Student Device First Time Setup

  1. On the student device, open the newly updated or installed Web Companion 3.

  2. Choose yes to allow camera access if prompted

  3. Select Student mode. No login is required.

  4. If prompted for camera access, choose Allow. (This is used in certain lessons of the emotional modules)

  5. Enter the 6 digit numeric code generated during the Facilitator setup and click Connect.


You are now ready to run lessons in 3.3!

See instructions at


RoboKind Companion App Installation and Update Guide (iPads)