The individuals who will be configuring the robots (hands on) will need to know the correct network settings to utilize. Please ensure that they have the following information:
Which WiFi SSID should the robots connect to?
Does this WiFi SSID support 2.4 Ghz, 5.0 Ghz, or both?
For WPA or WPA2:
Please confirm the WPA or WPA2 pre-shared key / password with which the robots should connect
For Enterprise with username/password:
The username and password that should be utilized.
For Enterprise authentication with certificates: See additional information on supported certificate types on page Advanced Robot Networking Guide.
Please confirm that firewall ports have been opened so that robots will be able to send port 80 and port 8080 traffic to *.robokind.us (including downloads.robokind.us, auth.robokind.us, data.robokind.us, cdn-api.robokind.us, and d23kggeguwanja.cloudfront.net)
Please see our RoboKind Networking Requirements page to confirm compatibility with your network settings.
The e-mail addresses auto@robokind.com and support@robokind.com should be white listed in any e-mail filtering software.
For any web content filtering software that is installed, verify that www.robokind.com, learn.robokind.com, and robokind.us are classified as educational software.
Any MDM (mobile device management), if applicable, should be configured with the following settings:
Allow iPad’s to install the latest version of the Apple AppStore app named RoboKind Companion 3.
Networking Requirements Documentation:
Recommended Internet speed of 5Mb/s or greater.
10/100 Ethernet or 2.4Ghz WiFi connection for robot. (5.0 Ghz WiFi adapter available for robot on request)
Tablets & Robots must be able to establish outbound connections on TCP ports 80 and 8080 to *.robokind.us (including downloads.robokind.us, auth.robokind.us, data.robokind.us, cdn-api.robokind.us) and d23kggeguwanja.cloudfront.net.
The network should be configured to automatically provide IP addresses to connecting devices.
Unsupported Configurations:
WiFi networks with a captive portal that require an additional login (for example with guest or visitor networks)
WiFi SSID’s that are hidden
WiFi SSID’s that have international characters or apostrophe’s
WiFi networks using WEP security (not recommended/supported due to security vulnerabilities)
Tethered WiFi connections must not be in “Low Data” mode
Note that the WiFi adapters built into RoboKind R25 robots have MAC addresses that being with “2E”, even though we do not randomize the MAC addresses. If you are blocking MAC addresses in this range, please alert the team that they will need to use the 5 Ghz adapters from RoboKind.
Enterprise authentication certificate types of PKCS#12 and .cer are not supported.
Security Considerations:
Some organizations have opted to install robots in a dedicated WiFi network which is firewalled from other organization devices, which is a supported configuration, and no additional firewall rules are required to allow this.
Some organizations have opted to utilize enterprise WiFi configurations with certificates. Note that the robots do not support keys in the format of PKCS#12/.cer, and the setup process has historically been time consuming to get the setup completed successfully. As such we recommend using the username/password methods for Enterprise WiFi where possible. See Advanced Robot WiFi Networking Guide for details.
Support & Questions
Our service desk is found at support.robokind.com, and we welcome support requests from technical contacts or otherwise using the “Contact us” link at the bottom of this page.