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To allow organizations to structure their RoboKind accounts in a way that best meets a customers need for security and reporting, RoboKind Central supports either a simple/flat organizational structure, or a hierarchal structure with up to 5 levels within an organization.

A simpler example of this configuration is at RoboKind account structure & itinerancy example and we recommend this as a starting point.

Example of a Simple/Flat Organization Structure:

In this model, all teachers, students, facilitators, and robots are added at the same root organization level. This is the simplest structure to plan and implement, but for large numbers of students, classrooms and robots, this structure may not meet an organizations needs.

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Example of a Multi-Tiered Organization Structure:

In this example, the organization has been structured according to a hypothetical need to organize into districts and schools, which can each have their own user accounts, students, classrooms, and teachers/facilitators.

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Considerations for a Multi-Tiered Organization:

Tip: The RoboKind Central website supports drag and drop so that Classrooms, Facilitators, and Students can be clicked & dragged to a different organization unit within the organization. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save changes. If the user is online at the time, changes may not take effect until a user has logged out and back in.


  • staff/facilitator accounts


  • .

  • Usually there will be one or two administrator accounts at the top level of the organization.

  • User accounts who should be only able to manage a specific child organization would often be created as manager level accounts within the organization in question.

  • When adding Users/Students/Classrooms to a child organization, be sure to use the context menu and


  • Create New Child menu under the desired organization; the Add New button under Quick Actions is only for objects to be added at the top level of the organization.

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Classroom Considerations:

  • Classrooms organize students into groups for teaching.

    • Students who are not in a classroom will not be able to be selected in order to start a lesson.


In cases where the concept of classrooms does not seem to apply to the situation, we recommend creating the classrooms according to how you would like to see the data grouped together for reporting purposes, for example a teacher might group their students into one classroom.

    • A common missed point when configuring accounts is the step of adding facilitators to a classroom; be sure to check the


    • Assigned Teachers tab when configuring a classroom


    • . From here one can select a teacher, click Add to Classroom, and then Save Classroom.

    • Image Added

If the facilitator to be


added to


a classroom


does not appear in the list, toggle the all button to be able to add facilitators from other levels of the organization




Robot Considerations:

  • By default, robots are available to teachers in the same root or child organization as the robot.


In cases where a robot is temporarily unavailable, the RoboKind Companion app also supports teaching lessons in Avatar mode.

  • If a facilitator has the companion app open and connected to a robot, then that robot will not be visible to other teachers until that


  • first teacher signs out.

  • It is


  • recommended that friendly


  • aliases be assigned to each robot, and that robots also be physically labeled with that name. This will make it easier for educators to quickly identify the correct robot


  • when starting lessons.

  • In cases where a robot is temporarily unavailable, the RoboKind Companion app also supports teaching lessons in Avatar mode.

Itinerancy Considerations:


In cases where educators/therapists are itinerant (i.e. traveling and assisting students at multiple campuses), then


  • Some teachers might have a robot with a traveling case, and they might bring the robot with them when visiting alternate campuses. In this case, the robot, itinerant teacher, and students all could be grouped under a single child organization.

  • In cases where each location has on site staff that works with RoboKind in addition to itinerant educators/therapists who might travel between campuses, then RoboKind Central allows the account to be structured according to the physical locations, and then robot and user settings can be adjusted for the robots & users who might sometimes be exceptions to that structure.

Changing Robot Availability Settings:

  • Use the RoboKind Central Organization List to view/edit properties for Robots & Avatars.

  • Choose View/Edit on the robot in question.

    Image Removed

If a robot is not listed where it is expected,please use the contact us link on page

Adjust the Robot Accessibility field according to the following matrix:


RoboKind has some additional settings available to help customize which robots will be available to which user.


Your RoboKind representative will be happy to discuss your needs further to make sure the identified structure is optimal to your management and reporting needs.

Both of the Robot Accessibility Settings and the

1) Robot Accessibility Settings:



A robot should only be available to educators/therapists in the same organizational unit

Use the default robot accessibility setting of Regular Users Only

A robot should only be available to itinerant educators who travel between locations

Use the robot accessibility setting of Itinerant


Users Only

A robot should be available both to regular users in the same organization unit, and also to itinerant educators/therapists regardless of location.

Use the robot accessibility setting of Itinerant and Regular Users


A robot should be available to all users, regardless of their itinerant settings and position within the org structure


This approach is not presently supported as it could result in confusion if educators start lessons with robots not at their same campus.

Changing User Availability Settings:


Use the RoboKind Central Organization List to view/edit properties for Facilitators.


Choose View/Edit on the facilitator in question.


Adjust the Robot Accessibility field for the facilitator according to the following matrix:


2) User Level Robot Accessibility Settings:



A facilitator should be able to teach lessons on robots within their immediate organization unit

Use the facilitator default robot accessibility setting of Regular Users Only

A facilitator will travel between locations


occasionally, and avatar mode would be acceptable when traveling.

Use the facilitator default robot accessibility setting of Regular Users Only, This instructor will still be able to run lessons at other campuses using Avatar mode.

A facilitator will travel between locations that are in different


organizational units. Facilitator wants to be able to run lessons on all of the robots.

  1. Change the user role to Itinerant and Standard Robots


  1. On all robots that this teacher might need to


  1. , change the itinerancy policy to Itinerant and Regular Users


An itinerant facilitator has their own designated robot(


s) and will not be using robots that are


assigned to other locations.

Change the user role to Itinerant Robots Only.


Change the robots assigned to that facilitator to Itinerant Users Only

How to change robot accessibility settings:

  • See the following images for how to change robot accessibility preferences at both the Robot and the Staff levels.

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Troubleshooting - Unable to find robot on facilitator - session setup screen

If a robot is not listed in the organization unit where it is expected, please use the contact us link on page