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WiFi networks with a captive portal that require an additional login (for example with guest or visitor networks) WiFi SSID’s that are hidden WiFi SSID’s that have international characters or apostrophe’s WiFi networks using WEP security (not recommended/supported due to security vulnerabilities) Tethered WiFi connections must not be in “Low Data” mode Note that the WiFi adapters built into RoboKind R25 robots have MAC addresses that being with “2E”, even though we do not randomize the MAC addresses. If you are blocking MAC addresses in this range, please alert the team that they will need to use the 5 Ghz adapters from RoboKind. Enterprise authentication certificate types of PKCS#12 and .cer are not supported.
Some organizations have opted to utilize enterprise WiFi configurations authenticating using a directory service with username/password or certificates. While we do support many similar configurations (Not including PKCS#12/.cer), we caution that it is currently difficult to troubleshoot these setups from our robots, and we recommend testing before deciding on a specific approach and authentication method. Advanced Robot WiFi Networking Guide Most organizations have incoming firewall ports blocked, meaning that RoboKind has no ability to connect to and support robots directly except as allowed by the organization. In cases where advanced troubleshooting is required (most common with Enterprise wifi WiFi configurations), RoboKind may request that firewall rules be temporarily adjusted to allow connections from the robot(s) to UDP port 1194 at cypress.robokind.us (
Support & Questions
Our service desk is found at support.robokind.com, and we welcome support requests from technical contacts or otherwise using the “Contact us” link at the bottom of this page.
Common Troubleshooting Documents